Should I Keep My Old Domain Name?

Should I Keep My Old Domain Name?

Don’t Let it Go: Why You Should Keep That Old Domain Name You’ve rebranded, launched a new website, or perhaps that side hustle just didn’t pan out. You’re looking at your domain name registrar and thinking, “Should I keep my old domain...
Why Am I Switching to Ubuntu from Fedora?

Why Am I Switching to Ubuntu from Fedora?

Why Am I Switching To Ubuntu From Fedora? About a year ago I switched to Fedora Linux as my daily-driver operating system. The change was driven by a couple of things. First, my server environment that hosted most of the BeBizzy websites are running on Linux operating...

Why Your Domain Name Matters

Your Domain Name – Why Your Domain Name Matters and How to Choose the Perfect One In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business, big or small. Your website acts as your virtual storefront, a place where potential...
Google Mobile-First Indexing Complete!

Google Mobile-First Indexing Complete!

It’s taken over six years, but Google recently announced it has finished it’s Mobile-First Indexing project! The world has gone mobile. As consumers, we’re more likely than ever to reach for our smartphones when we want to find information, making it...